Gold Partner - Exhibition Sponsor
As an Exhibition Gold Partner youwill get immense mileage and visibility as youwould get the following benefits
- One Pavilion of size (18 Sqr.Mts. x 3 Sqr.Mts.) (54 Sqr.Mts.) at a prime location in the ExhibitionHall, worth Rs.5,32,000/- (Rupees Five Lakhs Thirty two thousand only).
- Sponsor’slistingwill be included in the Post ShowReport
- Your Company Logo will be carried in all our Colour Advertisements in leading Trade Magazines andNewspapers.
- The Gold Partnerliterature will be inserted in the visitor carry bags.
- Your Company Logo will be carried on colourful Invitation Cards, to be distributed toCable
TVOperators, Hardware Distributors &Resellers and Industry dignitaries.
- Your Company Logo will be displayed prominently on the Special Gate created for this Mega Event at theEntrance.
- Your Company Logo shall be carried on Banners and Postersto be put up at Electronic Market Places.
- Your Company Logo shall be carried in advertisements and promotions on Satellite Channels.
- YourCompanyLogo alongwith Link asExhibition Gold Partner on Websites
- We would provide you with 20 plastic chairs and 10wooden tables and also provide you with the fixed lightingwhich is already there in the stage.
Silver Partner - Exhibition Sponsor
As an Exhibition Silver Partner you will get immense mileage and visibility as you would get the following benefits:
- One pavilion of size ( 9 Sqm.Mts. x4 Sqm.Mts.(36 Sqr. Mts.) at the prime location in the Exhibition hallworth of Rs.3,38,,000/- (Rupees Three Lakhs Thirty eight thousand only).
- Your Company Logo will be carried in all our Color Advertisements in leading Trade Magazines, NewsPapers and in all other advertisement matters.
- Your Company Logo will be carried on colorful invitation Cards, to be distributed toCable TVOperators, Hardware Distributors &Resellers and Industry dignitaries.
- YourCompany Logo shall be carried in advertisements and promotions on SatelliteChannels
- Your Company Logo shall be carried in Advertisements and Promotions on Cable TVNetworks.
- Your Name would appear in the main arch which would be at the main entrance.
Event Profile:
Broadcasting :
Broadcasting in short is the very essence of combining audio and video content to millions of widespread population from around the world by means of mass communication – electronics forum.
The rapid demand for HD programs and different methods to circulate, develop and deploy is ever increasing onward.
Government bodies often talk of digitalization on regular basis and this has driven the industry to greater heights in deliverability of multi-facet, high end technology in the broadcasting sector of the world. This event supports exhibitors to optimize opportunities, enable/enhance exchange of relevant information, facilitate global trade ties as industries from different parts of the world are participating.
Keeping above said in mind Mr.R.Srinivas the Chief Executive Officer Organizing the Mega Expo Show “Digital Space India 2024” from 21st – 23rd June 2024 at the CHENNAI TRADE CENTRE – Tamil Nadu, India.
The overall vision of such a mega show is to bring together major organizations, companies, corporates, hard core professionals, suppliers, eager customers, futuristic visionists and industry stalwarts from the broadcasting and entertainment arena to the forefront by means of displaying their products and services that will be a treat to the eye!
Exhibitors will be in full attendance to and make a difference thus, challenging the very dynamics of how we look at broadcasting and entertainment.
Broadcasting, entertainment, products and services will run concurrently alongside cine field national cable tv providers, broadband, IPTV, internet TV, suppliers etc on the same given days.
Broadcast Product Profile :
On display is 2D/3D Animation, lighting, MPEG, Asset Management, Multimedia, Audio, Music, Broadband, Outside Broadcast, Broadcast production, Archive, Cable, radio, cameras, Recorders, Satellite, Servers, Special Visual effects, Video Streaming, Desktop Video, Systems design, Digital film, Television, 210 film, Test and measurement, Grip, Transmission, Graphics Webcasting, Interactive Media, Video, Widescreen and Internet.
Audio 7 post Production
Cable Satellite Companies
Computer Graphics
Digital Visual Effects facilities
Film / Television Studios,
Film Exhibitors,
Theatre Owners,
Recording Studios,
Stage production,
System designers,
Television stations,
TV 7 Radio Broadcasters.
7 Replication Sector,
Cancel and Refund Policy
- Your stall size and Position are confirmed, any changes in the layout around your stall – Pathway, or gap between stalls are sole discretion of the organizer
- Any Change in Stall no or shifting of stalls will be informed prior and approval will be taken for either party
- The exhibitor as requested to adhere to the stall area allotted and not to disturb others or extend the stall area given without prior permission
- Stall Layout and Hall Position Change is the sole discretion of the organiser
- Cancellation Charges and Refund Policy: 100% refund if stall cancelled before 6 months of expo date
- 50% refund for cancellation before 4 months of the expo date and upon cancelled stall to be booking by other parties only
- NO refund will be done for cancellation within two month of the expo date at any cost or transferrable or postponed
We request your valuable participation in this event and kindly revert back to us once gone through the details.
Attached latest available stall Layout Registration -Booking form, and brochure for reference.
Kindly share the preferred stall no and company GST no with the address for the Proforma invoice For any clarification,
Please call us on mobile numbers +91 97100 35757 / 73585 28811
Exhibition Space Charges
Stand Type : Standard
Shell Space : INR.Rs.9500/- per sq mt *
(Minimum 9 Sqmt.) : A 9 Sqmt shell scheme package includes a modular shell
(Furnished) stand structure, carpet, colour fascia with company
name and booth number, 1 information counter, 2 chairs,
One 5 amp power outlet, 3 No’s of 100W spotlight.
SP Stalls**(Special) : INR 10,000/- per sq mt*
Raw Space** : INR.9,000/- per sq mt*
*GST as applicabe (Currently @ 18%)
We require Shell Space_________Sqmt(Furnished)
We require SP Shell space ______Sqmt (Furnished)
We require Raw Space________ Sqmt ( un-Furnished)
We will display the following exhibits (Brief description of your products @ services)
Cancel and Refund Policy
- Your stall size and Position are confirmed, any changes in the layout around your stall – Pathway, or gap between stalls are sole discretion of the organizer
- Any Change in Stall no or shifting of stalls will be informed prior and approval will be taken for either party
- The exhibitor as requested to adhere to the stall area allotted and not to disturb others or extend the stall area given without prior permission
- Stall Layout and Hall Position Change is the sole discretion of the organiser
- Cancellation Charges and Refund Policy: 100% refund if stall cancelled before 6 months of expo date
- 50% refund for cancellation before 4 months of the expo date and upon cancelled stall to be booking by other parties only
- NO refund will be done for cancellation within two month of the expo date at any cost or transferrable or postponed
We request your valuable participation in this event and kindly revert back to us once gone through the details.
Attached latest available stall Layout Registration -Booking form, and brochure for reference.
Kindly share the preferred stall no and company GST no with the address for the Proforma invoice For any clarification,
Please call us on mobile numbers +91 97100 35757 / 73585 28811

Digital Space India is the mission of our Government of India, and to promote digitalization on every spectrum. This will facilitate all the services available to citizens electronically by improving on line infrastructure and by increasing internet connectivity.
Hence this event will be held during 2024 for 3 days at Chennai from 21st to 23rd June at Chennai Trade Centre, chennai, South India. This show will be beneficial to the electronic media, cable TV operators, exhibitors and participants to make their businesses get publicized for mutual benefits.
Exhibitors profile
Profile of exhibitors based on satellite , cable TV IPTV, ISP, APP TV, Internet, Broadcast, Broadband, Modem, Broad Band Internet Solutions, Fiber Optic, FTTH, CATV MIDDLE WARE, OTT, Telecom, Cloud, Digital Homes, Wifi Hotspot, CCTV Cloud Storage, LED Tv’s, Content Creation, Management Delivery, Wireless Transmitters, VPN Router, LAN Modem, Cable Assembly Connectors, Cable fault Locators, satellite internet services, Billing Software and cable modem.
About Digital Space India
Digital Space India is an international exhibition event organizer based at Chennai. The Company is the pioneer in the field of event management concerning all the cable TV, IPTV, IOT,OTT broadcast, broad band network products and Electronic products and had organized various events in India. Digital Space India is formerly known as Space electronics from 1996 and expanded it’s wings as event organizer nationally to conduct mega events across the country.
Platinum Sponsor

Television Partner

Golden Sponsor

Television partner

Logo Branding